January 25, 2008

crazy kids.

We had visitors today! YAY! Mister Ben and Auntie Liz come over for lunch. I have no idea what Cambelle is doing in this picture, but Mr. Ben likes Cambelle's car. She could possibly be asking him to run her over... beats me! But, they had a fun time. Just one episode of crying and that was it. They played, ate McDonalds, and played some more. It's nice to have visitors, it breaks up the day and I know Cambelle likes to have some else to play with besides me. I know I can become boring over time. Mister Ben definitely entertained her and tired her out. I'm glad we have friends like Auntie Liz and Ben who care for us enough to drive from Philly and visit. THANK YOU!

1 comment:

  1. of course, auntie d, that's what friends are for. we love you!
