December 31, 2007

wrapping up 2007.

Cambelle "rapped" up the new year with some dancing to 50 cent on MTV. Yes, she's naked while dancing, she messed her outfit from dinner, and we were 15 minutes from bed so we decided to let her be. No, Cambelle didn't stay up till 12PM, we were having our own little party at 7PM, and for some reason loud rap music is always blaring from our house. We are secretly gangsta in Woodstown... I'm always amazed how much Jeff turns on MTV2 and rap is always playing, which leads to dancing and clapping.... And Chloe was a party pooper and slept through the whole thing.

Cambelle loves to be outside, I can't even open the front door to get the mail because she fights me for it. I keep telling her, "Mommy's one big event for the day is getting the mail, please let me get it..." She then backs down, but screams at the front door wanting to go outside and run around. I feel so bad, but it's too cold out there for Chloe and me. We had a lot of work to do this weekend, because we had a couple come look at the house this morning, and since Jeff was outside fixing the back door, it was the perfect time to let Cambelle be free. Here she is just about to sit on her crab sandbox.

Poppy bought Cambelle a new pair of sneaks. Actually, it's her first pair. I tend to buy regular shoes, but I think Cambelle just hit a growth spurt because all of her shoes don't fit anymore, so Poppy insisted on buying these... I think they are adorable. It took Cambelle some time to get used to, she HATES new things, like me. But, then again they're NEW SHOES! It doesn't take me any time to get used to new shoes.

Grams had Chloe smiling so much the other day that I wanted to capture it. But, once I got the camera she stopped. Chloe's been smiling a lot lately and it's too funny, because I think she looks like an old turtle.


1 comment:

  1. holla! we miss you and can't wait to see you soon! the pictures of cambelle are adorable and miss chloe is getting so big.

    we love you, liz and ben
