January 1, 2008

Longwood Gardens.

Today, we went to Longwood Gardens with Grams and Poppy. I thought it was a great idea since Cambelle's been itchin' go to outside... she ran around like a mad woman. I was surprised at how many people were there with their kids, I guess we all had the same idea. Cambelle especially loved all the water features, she kept smelling the flowers and then running back to this fountain. She didn't quite understand the concept of throwing in coins and making wishes. I believe Poppy went home broke.

Here she is on the loose. I swear people give Jeff and I "the eye." - Like your letting your child run hysterically around a public place, and my response is - "People, she doesn't know how to walk... run, run, run, that's all she does." If only she were a ten-speed bike and I would downgrade her, but I can't.

And Chloe slept through it all! I did have to take her out and nurse her. Also, I'm convinced that when I scope out a nice, quiet, secluded place to feed her, it all of a sudden becomes the "hot spot." I think a women took a picture of me, or the flower next to me, I don't know, all I know is that my "nursing area" was happening!

"I wish there was no more cancer because it herts people."

"I wish that the earth was a better plase. I wish that there were no bad people. I like peace."

These pictures were taken of a Christmas Tree that was made by school-aged children. There were about 30-40 trees, each having there own theme. This tree's theme was "When I wish upon a star." Even as a parent now, I'm still amazed how innocent children are. Every wish on the tree was selfless...This was by far my favorite tree!

We asked Cambelle to smell the flower, instead she head-butted it. She does what she wants.

Going home was rough. Before we left, I stopped in the gift shop with her in tow and I think I experienced my first "out in public temper tantrum." I've read many, many article about how to handle them, and I was some what in denial. Till today! Cambelle freaked on our way out of the gift shop. I still don't know what she wanted but when I was walking out, she screamed from the top of her lungs that I bolted for the nearest exit. It wasn't just a scream either, it was more like a dying dinosaur. Once outside, we were fine. But, I know all the other parents were saying, "Thank goodness that's not my child..."

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