December 28, 2007

caught in the act.

This morning Chloe and I met Nicole and Emma for a little shopping at the mall. I have to admit, I was a little excited to take my time shopping and have Cambelle stay home with Jeff. But - I was being the thoughtful wife and I met Nicole the time Cambelle "usually" goes down for her nap. Thinking, Jeff can use some alone time too, get some work done, shower, etc... But, when I got home, I found out she was anti-nap and Jeff couldn't get her back down till much later. So, when I arrived home and Cambelle was fully into her nap, I was excited because this means, we have a couple of hours with just the three of us and if I feed Chloe and get her down too, we can be productive and clean the house, swing from the rafters, whatever we want to do... But, since I was so excited about my cleaning adventure, I knew something was going to happen. ONE HOUR later - Cambelle is up. So, with just an hour nap we were doomed. That means we have 7 more hours of full entertainment from Cambelle. Just in case some of you don't know. My child is high-strung, full energy, runs everywhere... WALK? I don't think she knows what that word means... I love her to death and I'm so glad she's the way she is but, I need a circus to keep her occupied. So, today, after many hours of being house bound, I found Jeff and Cambelle entertaining themselves in the foyer... I have no idea what they are doing, but Cambelle was laughing hysterically. Enjoy!

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