January 5, 2011

week in pictures.

Here are a couple of pictures from our week.

I now have three princesses that live in our house and I'm not complaining.. doesn't that make me the queen? ;)

We took a trip to Ikea for playroom storage (we actually took two trips) but this trip Chloe was scaring me a little telling me her belly hurt so I thought we were going to be hit the stomach virus - that's why she has her pacifier and blanket... only thing that calmed her down.

Then, we went to the aquarium with my cousin and her family.

All the kids.
Kenna - 6 months
Chloe - 3
Cambelle - 4
Connor - 7
Emily - 3
Camryn - 2

Photo courtesy of Cambelle 


Bed head at its finest... within hours we went and got her hair cut.

And, this is what the girls do while I de-Christmas the house.

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