December 30, 2010


Phew! I don't even know how Christmas came and went so quickly... and now we are enjoying Jeff's company all week and doing some great family bonding and fun trips. 

Christmas Eve was wonderful. I made dinner for our families but not without the help of my SIL's and my mother (who basically helped me with everything). Thanks Mom!

Chloe is sporting her new Minnie Mouse hat that my Brother and SIL got her while they were in Disney a few weeks ago.

And, now she's sporting a tutu and her signature face.

Dawson entertaining Kenna.

After the girls opened up all their gifts they were pooped and ready for Santa to come.

I'm hoping I can stick to one of my New Years Resolutions by taking more pictures because I'm sucking at it lately... Jeff even got me a new lens to try out. I'm hoping that will put my butt in gear.
So here is a weak selection of pictures from Christmas. 

Kenna woke up at 7:15, then shortly Cambelle woke up at 7:30 and then we had to wake Chloe up at 8... Cambelle was too excited to wait any longer. My parents, brother and grandmother were over at 7:30 so they got to see the girls open up their gifts. After about an hour, we took a break and ate breakfast that my dad prepared. It was delicious. Every breakfast item, you can think of was on our table. Thanks Dad for your help. Then, we dove right back into opening gifts. The girls were really into it this year and loved every gift Santa got them. It was fun! 

We did nothing the rest of the day till it was time to go to my uncle's. We had a great dinner and played Kinect (for XBox) and Wii. FYI - I stink at soccer, but I can still rock Mario Kart. Kinect was fun... but I accidently kicked my cousin in the foot while playing soccer so now I have this awful green bruise. It wouldn't have been so bad but she was wearing a boot because she broke her foot... awesome times. 

And, now that Christmas is over, I'm ready to tear down all the decorations and put the tree outside... 

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