I feel like there are a lot of changes going on in our house:
Kenna feels old to me... yes, I know she's still a baby, but one minute she laying on her activity mat happily playing with her swinging toys and the next she's too cool for it and like to sit and play duck, duck, goose with her sisters. (Today, Cambelle and Chloe sat Kenna in their circle and played with her, it was hilarious... they even pretended Kenna chasing them around the house).
I pulled out our high chair so Kenna can sit in there during meal time... and tonight, at dinner was the first time she "sat" with us and it was an awesome feeling. I felt more like a family... with all five of us eating together.
Kenna is inhaling her jarred food. Cambelle hated everything about and Chloe kinda went right to table food... everything smashed up. So, I'm surprised that Kenna loves it so much.
I went to BRU yesterday and bought all new spoons, bowls, ya know, meal time things and I couldn't believe that now we are in the really fun stage.. I'm excited to start feeding her Puffs and Cherrios, even though I tried a puff and she immediately spit it out and gaged a little... so we'll wait a couple more weeks to introduce them again.
Cambelle's language is definitely expanding, which she was always a great talker, but now it's fun to have a conversation with her. She says words like, actually, and understanding... tonight, she asked me if it was OK if she made me a cup of decaf coffee.... it's just a fun time around here.
Chloe picks up everything Cambelle does and mimics every move she makes. I definitely feel like I have twins now so when people ask if they are, I say yes ;) It's just easier that way anyway.
I'm excited about all the fun stages the girls are in now, it makes all this snow and dark days worth staying in and soaking up their little personalities.
LOVE those pictures of Kenna. She is such a mini-Danielle.