March 20, 2010

Our first ever Easter egg hunt.

I know... are you surprised as me to hear that I've never taken the girls to an Easter egg hunt before. I guess, it's because you either hear about these town activities by word of mouth (this year a mother from Cambelle's school filled me in) or you have to read those itty bitty signs at stop lights or busy intersections. I'm lucky if I even see the light, let alone, take time to read those small signs.

So this afternoon we went to Owen's Park and had a great time. Each age group was assigned an area of the park. As you can see the sign behind the girls we went to he 3 to 5 age group - we cheated on Chloe b/c I wanted the girls to do it together and I wanted Jeff and I to stay together too. I don't think anyone caught on, since everyone thinks they're twins anyways. Plus, I don't think anyone would start a fight with a pregnant lady.... would they?

Our town did a great job. It was very organized. I like when things are organized! Once they opened the gates to the designated areas everyone had to line up against the fence on the inside... then a man, on a loud speaker, counted down from 10 and all the kids went running. Jeff and I thought it was hilarious at how many eggs there were on the field but it took us 10 seconds to pick up 10 eggs each and that was it. They were gone... we were out of there by 12:10. Both girls got about 8-10 eggs filled with candy. It was an awesome day to be outside and the girls loved hunting for eggs. Plus, Cambelle saw some friends from school!

Cambelle was tired before we even got started!

Cambelle plotting out her quest for the best eggs.

I try to get good pics of the girls, but they are so not into looking into the camera.... the say "cheese" but look away.

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