February 2, 2010

I hope people don't think I'm crazy...

But I think I am!

Seriously, I've never gotten my brain back from when I was pregnant with Cambelle. I'm not as organized as I used to be, my brain isn't as sharp is it used to be, I'm keeping Post-Its in business with all the lists I make, I forget everything - just ask my friends and family - I think I ask the same questions over and over because I forget the answer. Just today I was talking to my friend, Nicole, about her weekend... this is how the conversation went:

Me: So, are you going to Jenn's Uppercase Living demo Saturday night?
N: I can't. I forgot we'll be out of town visiting a friend.
Me: Oh ok, well, I'm going to go unless Jenn cancels (we are getting snow on Saturday) But, hey, maybe we could all get together for pizza night.
N: Oh! Well!, I'll be out of town at a friend's house and you'll be at Jenn's if the snow isn't too bad...
Me: OHHH YEAH didn't we just talk about that two seconds ago?

And the list goes on. It's like info doesn't want to absorb in my tiny brain... which leads me to this story.

I had to sign Cambelle up for the 4 year old preschool program at her school yesterday morning. Since she's already enrolled but we are allowed to do it a month before new families can. The doors opened at 8:30am but I got in line at 7:30am and I was 9th in line. Holla! So while I was in line, I was talking to a lot of the other moms of children who are in the same class as Cambelle and they told me they were enrolling their child in the TTHF (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) class just because their child is already going TTH (like Cambelle) so why not stick with the same schedule and add F and also because there are a lot of holidays on Monday and you have to pay for it even when there's no school. They're opinions were definitely persuasive but I stuck with my initial decision which was MWF. I did that for NO reason, just because it seemed logical and again, I have pregnant brain so I couldn't think of one reason why not.

So, I get Cambelle's paperwork this afternoon when I picked her up, requesting my wishes - MWF mornings. So, all the moms were going around talking about their child's new class and I found out that I was THE ONLY ONE who choose MWF!!! What? Seriously, the only one. Come on, people... really? I felt like I was back in HS. Like, when you look over your class schedule and you realize none of your close friends have the classes as you... weird isn't it?

I left Cambelle's school unsure of my decision because the other mom's had a point and I would like Cambelle to be in ONE of her friends classes next year. Do I sound insane yet? Because my OCD was totally taking over my body at this point and I couldn't stop thinking about it...

So I did what I do best and called Jeff to see what he thought, and while talking about it to him (he didn't care what I did) I mentioned that my friend, Nicole (who, I think I call more then Jeff during the day for many reasons, one because she is a SAH mom too, plus Jeff doesn't like to here all the stupid things that go through my head daily so I call her, plus, she knows I'm insane so I'm sure my stories make her day more interesting b/c staying at home with two little ones isn't excited for her at all). Ok, back to Nicole - she wants to enroll her daughter, Emma, at the Children's Garden too and if she does TTH then Cambelle and Emma won't be able to see each other during the week... and we like to plan outing almost weekly with the girls!

I know... just reading over that makes me sound psycho but if you think about it, it makes sense. If Cambelle is in school MWF and Emma is in school TTHF then we'll never see each other! I know Nicole will have Maddie and I'll have Chloe and the new baby to hang out but it's fun for C & E to see each other. Plus, they are BFF's.

So, I went home, called up the principal and this is how our lovely conversation went:

Principal: Good Afernoon, Children's Garden, Carol speaking.
Me: Hi Carol, It's Danielle Botbyl, Cambelle's mom, how are you?
P: Good, Danielle, how are you?
Me: Great, I was calling to see if you had an opening for TTHF in Miss Karen's class?
P: Oh why? Are you not happy with your decision? (I wanted to say, Carol, I'm never happy with my decisions but I refrained).

*This is where I got insane*

Me: Well, I was thinking, I know I choose MWF but now that I'm thinking about it, I'd like Cambelle to be TTHF morning instead, because well, there's no reason (I don't want her to think I'm more insane) I just have no reason, but I'm sorry if I'm not making sense, sorry if I'm making it hard on you... is there room? Again, I'm really sorry for any inconvenience... I just think it would be better for Cambelle to stay with the same schedule but add Friday to the list. Do you have an opening... I know I asked for MWF and thank you for doing that, but I don't know... I think I want her going to school the other days.... (and I KNOW I rambled on for about another 2 minutes, but I can't remember).
P: Well, let me see... well, yes, we do have an opening... one left. No problem, I'll switch her.
Me: OH thank you! Thank you so much... I really appreciate it.

Phone hangs up I call Jeff about the "switch" and he asked me if it was still for the morning?
CRAP, I hope so... I hang up the phone call back P:

The answering machine picks up b/c well, she saw my phone number blinking at her and she ran like lightning.
Me: Hi Carol, it's Danielle Botbyl again, just making sure you kept Cambelle in the morning classes... because I didn't specify but I'm sure you did since she is already enrolled in the morning but here's my number if I'm not making sense, you don't need to call me back if she's in the morning classes... thanks again! Your psycho mom, Danielle! ;)


  1. You've lost it :) But it makes me laugh!

  2. sounds perfectly normal to me! you have preggers brain:o)
