January 31, 2010

17 weeks.

I can't believe I'm posting this picture of me but I am... I'm desperate. I asked Jeff to "quickly" take this pic of me right before he was heading downstairs for bible study and once I looked at it I think I gasped and then hurled... but whatever... don't be jealous of my awesome jammies... poor Jeff, this is what he looks at, at night. And, yes those are Christmas jammies and no, I don't match

So here I am 17 weeks and two days! I'm shocked at how quickly the time went!

(Yes, I know I posted - what - 2 days ago about me being 16 weeks... but really, who's counting) So here are the 17 weeks stats:

Picture taken: 17 weeks 2 days.

How I'm feeling: Still really good. The gym is keeping my energy up.

Cravings: Anything food... is that a craving? I am craving sleep though ;)

Sleeping: Just dandy... I find that if I don't go to the bathroom at least once in the middle of the night then I have to go early morning and then I'm up and then the girls wake up right after that.

Weight gain: I'll find out on Wednesday.

Next appointment: Wednesday, February 3rd.

Movement: I felt a flutter Friday night (17 weeks 0 days). It was a quick and a light flutter but it was a flutter. I'll take it.

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