January 18, 2010

15 weeks.

Picture taken: 15 weeks 2 days.

How I'm feeling: Well, I just got over the worst sickness I have ever had. I came down with a stomach virus Saturday night and it lasted till Sunday night. It was awful.... I think I actually died and came back to life. I'm feeling a lot better now, but I'm extremely weak and very tired. The virus cleared everything out of my system... I was nervous at first, but after I could keep down Gatorade and some toast yesterday I feel a lot better. I'm alive now, people don't worry. (The worst part was that it was Jeff's birthday on Sunday and we had plans to go out to dinner and have cake, but we had to postpone it all till another weekend. My parents did come over with a cake and we celebrated a bit, while I laid on the couch.)

Cravings: No cravings this week, or maybe it's because I didn't get my appetite back yet... I can't think of anything I really want.

Sleeping: Better... the girls are out of their funk and are finally sleeping better so now I'm getting some more shut-eye.

Weight gain:With the virus I had (I sound like a computer) I think I lost it all... weird thing is, is that I woke up on Sunday without a belly... but it's back in full effect.

Next appointment: Wednesday, February 3rd.

Movement: Still no movement, come on baby, MOVE!

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