December 27, 2009

Baby #3!

Baby #3 is on their way. I found out probably the earliest anyone could find out. I was only 3 1/2 weeks and just to get to 12 weeks (two days ago) feels like eternity. But now we are smooth sailing:

Due Date: July 9th 2010

Picture taken: 12 weeks

How I'm feeling: Great but a bit tired.

Cravings: Well, my meal of choice is lunch... I eat everything in the pantry in one sitting. But I'm craving Clementine oranges, grapes, and Minute Maid orange popsicles.

Sleeping: Fine except for the usual pee pee visits

Weight gain: Don't know. I've only been to the doctor once... but I KNOW I've gained a lot. I can tell on my little frame... but I'm still able to pull up my regular jeans and hold them up with the Bella Band.

Next appointment: I go on Wednesday - the 30th for an u/s so we'll finally be able to see the baby.

Boy or girl? Honestly, if someone else asks me if I'm "hoping" for a boy, I must just punch them in the arm... they are more then wrong!!! We did not "try" for a boy, or want a third to see if we were going to have a boy. We wanted a third, because, well, we wanted a third... plain and simple.

I'm not feeling boy or girl... I just want a healthy baby! Girl would be easier but a boy in our house? I don't know how that would feel.... But, we will find out the sex of the baby! So stay tuned for that. (The girls are both saying girl).

We are beyond elated and are blessed God chose us to be parents again!


  1. Congrats!! I wouldn't be trying for a boy either, 3 girls would be awesome!

  2. Congrats lady! I've been waiting for you to post about it on the blog =) YAY!!!!

  3. congratulations, danielle! i am so happy for you guys! are the girls excited?
