November 2, 2009

Happy Holla Ween.

Our Halloween was very relaxing. Jeff had a soccer game early in the morning so the girls and I just hung out at home. After their naps, we got them dressed and took them out to trick-or-treat around our neighborhood. My mom, grandmom, both my brothers, SIL and nephew came over.

Cambelle is dressed as Stephanie from Lazytown and Chloe is a leopard. Since Chloe walks around the house "meowing," I thought this costume fit her perfectly.

Honestly, I couldn't get the wig to sit on Cambelle's head correctly. When I look at these pictures I just laugh, because I didn't realize how bad it really looked. It was just a funny sight.

Chloe's cute little tail.

Chloe and Derek (the cutest chicken ever).

After Chloe went to many houses, she was spent...

We had a great Halloween... the girls really enjoyed it this year. Cambelle was funny going to house to house and she wanted as much candy as her bucket could hold. I was surprised by our neighborhoods selections... the girls got a lot of pretzels and fruit snacks. I didn't mind though because I bought too many bags and now I'm eating all the leftovers.


  1. cambelle's costume just made me laugh! ella looked at chloe's and said, "i have that sweater!" hahaha! my favorite part was her tail! we don't "holla" down here in VA, but i'll give ya one anyway! Holla!

  2. You're funny! I think you should start saying "holla," to all your VA friends!
