September 30, 2009

Johnson's Farm - totally overdue.

Last Friday, I know, totally unlike me to be posting something that was almost a week ago... but ya know, I'm a slacker! Anyways, we went to Johnson's Farm with the Shipley's and had an absolute great day! Jeff was awesome enough to take off work to spend it with his girls.

First, breakfast at Peter's Diner!

Cambelle and Jeff are talking about something... and Chloe's enjoying her milk for the day - half and half! Hey, whatever keeps that girl entertained...

Mouth full of eggs...

The girls

"Good job, Madeline, at least you're looking."

Apple picking...
Chloe's hair was untamable that day!

She wasn't so sure about the hayride and was very serious about it...

Pumpkin picking!

I tried, but the girls weren't cooperating... they wanted nothing of each other and to take a picture together... ya right!

I know we'll be hitting up another farm soon... you can never go to enough apple/pumpkin farms... they're the best!


  1. I loved how Cambelle held on to Maddie in the pic of the 4 of them. Very caring. Love, Mum

  2. i can't wait to go pumpkin picking!! i love the picture of you and chloe! you look so much alike!
