September 9, 2009

how the meet and greet went!

Our meet and greet at Cambelle's preschool went great yesterday! Despite the fact that I was hyperventilating before I even got to the school.... I walked outside yesterday to an almost flat tire and when I went to pump it up the pump was out of order. Then, when I was two minutes from dropping Chloe off at Nicole's house I ran into major construction and sat for 8 minutes - not moving! When I got to Nicole's I threw Chloe at Nicole and headed back the same way I came because it's the only way, but thank goodness traffic cleared and I was there with five minutes to spare... see, people make fun of me for always being extremely early and here's a perfect reason why I am... for out-of-my-hand situations like this.

So, we got to school and I had to find parking since the school was packed but we made our way to Cambelle's classroom. They are the "zebras" this year! There was a huge zebra on Cambelle's classroom door and her name tag was a zebra also. FUN!

Cambelle didn't seem to hesitant but I wouldn't let her out of my sight. I think I was holding on to her hand harder then she was mine. I sat down in a very-small-for-my-tush-yellow-chair (my butt was actually asleep when I got up). Cambelle chose to sit on my lap rather then on the floor. Her teacher told us a little bit about how the classroom will operate on Thursday - instructing parents to give a quick kiss and hug and off we should go. I had to hold back tears just thinking about it. I know she's going to cry and I'll be sad knowing I have to give a quick kiss and then leave. She also doesn't want us to enter the room for the first month... I TOTALLY understand where she's coming from... I don't want to drag out the "good bye's" either, but it just stinks.

After her teacher, read us Have You Filled A Bucket Today (the school's theme) we then sang some songs and then we were dismissed! Cambelle handed back her name tag and all she wanted to do was play on the swing set.

Overall, it was a great morning for both of us. I think it killed some of the anxiety I was having and I think it made Cambelle feel better about starting tomorrow. I like that her school does the meet and greet... it's a great transition!

So, tomorrow I will drop her off at 9am and then pick her up at 12pm. We will be going out to eat to celebrate her first day in Preschool! Wish us luck ;)

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