September 3, 2009

fall is in the air.

I... just... had... to... do... it!!!!

I couldn't help myself. I remember that my mom bought these two wreaths for me about a month ago and I had to put them up. I told myself I wasn't going to decorate for the fall till the end of the month.. ya know, I don't what to be the only one in our neighborhood with mums... even though every time I drive pass the farmers market I have to contain myself from buying all of them, because I heart mums! Plus, HGTV said not to buy them till the end of Sept. and if you do they need to be closed! Just a little FYI from my good friends at HGTV! (I think my door is screaming Uppercase Living - don't tell Jeff, but it is)

But, I couldn't resist this little pumpkin... again a little present from my "mum." The candle is absolutely delicious. I have a hard time with candles and I always get sick or have horrible headaches... but this one is just to die for.


  1. OMG I told Tom I am putting out fall decorations this weekend. I don't care - I can't wait anymore! I also got that YC at TJ Maxx (for $5.99 - the girl rang it up wrong - HOLLA) and have it in the bathroom - it smells excellent (it's actually the Harvest scented candle with a different label and name - you know me I am obsessed with Yankee!). The pumpkin is toooooo cute! =)

  2. I love the Harvest candle too (if that's the scent it is)!....that's my November candle....I am probably going to decorate on Monday..I'm too anxious.

  3. danielle, i noticed you weren't the only one that jumped the gun on fall this year...starbuck's already has their pumpkin spice lattes and muffins out! i couldn't believe it!

  4. I know ;) I already have been enjoying them... I just love pumpkin spice lattes!
