July 8, 2009

it's a bird, it's a plane, it's a...

Yesterday afternoon, I heard a loud bang out back to find our pavilion escaping from our yard. As you can tell by the picture, it was sunny, there was no storm in our future or any tornadoes. But, I guess a strong wind came and off it went. I'm surprised, because we've experienced our fair share of strong storms lately and the wind has made me nervous.... I'd never thought on a sunny warm day would our pavilion, whose only purpose is to provide shade, is now turned upside down on the lawn. I immediately called Jeff at work and told him I needed some advice on what to do, but he decided to come home and take care of it. Where's the faith?
It was moving with every gust of wind so him coming home was a must.

Once Jeff was home, I helped him get it up right and we anchored it again with cement blocks only to find it an hour later on its side again. So, Jeff took off the canvas and we are now waiting for some help to move it back on the patio and to get heavier blocks. - side note - we don't want to bolt it into our new patio just yet... but I guess we don't have any other options.

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