June 18, 2009


Yesterday, the girls were relentless. They didn't care how many times I said no or even the meaning of it. I could have screamed bear, bug, sharp, fire, a princess is coming, or who wants candy? It didn't matter... They ate what they wanted, they drank what they wanted, did what they wanted and didn't care what I said. So at this point of day, I just let them run loose. I was preparing dinner and they got into my lazy-susan cabinet. Well, actually Cambelle pushed it open and then Chloe went to town on all the lollipops and Cambelle found her stash of Pez. Plus, the coffee filters and bubbles from Emma's birthday party. I guess I should find another hiding spot for all their goodies.

Cambelle is a Pez magnet. She finds them before me and loves them to death. We usually buy most of them at Michael's or AC Moore because they are right up front when you are checking out. I'm hoping she isn't one of those ladies who is fifty years old and has a "Pez Room" and then People magazine does a story on people who have been collecting things since they were little. That's my Cambelle... a Pez lover.

Overall, it was a good day. They didn't listen once but at least the house is still standing.

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