June 14, 2009

More OBX pictures.

Finally... we are home! The ride home was, let's just say... l.o.n.g! Well, it seemed long with two wired toddlers. Cambelle talked for 3 hours straight and Chloe basically wanted out right when we left the beach house. But, with two very intense thunderstorms and two very intense toddlers, we made it in last night at 5:30. So, here are the last of our pictures from our amazing vacation. 


  1. Awww I think I love every picture!

  2. it looks like you guys had a really great time! i can't believe how much the girls look alike in the pictures of them in their dresses!! (and no, i don't mean b/c they're wearing the same outfit...hahaha). they could almost pass for twins!
