May 1, 2009

I'm finally feeling the love.

I was just saying to my friend Liz about how I'm really upset that Cambelle and Chloe don't act like they like each other. I sometimes think they hate, I mean dislike, each other. Maybe it's their age, I don't know. But, I get really sad thinking about it. It never used to be like this. Cambelle used to be so gentle with Chloe when she was a baby and Chloe used to give hugs and kisses to Cambelle. Now, they are enemies and don't even like to be near one another. Maybe I'm being over dramatic and maybe it's not that bad... but I want them to love each other and be attached at the hip. That's what every mom wants of their children...right? To love and respect one another. 

But, today, we had a break through. Cambelle was playing with her princess computer and jumped up next to Chloe on the couch, got under the blanket and started showing Chloe all the cool things about her computer. She even took Chloe's hand and told her to, "Push right here, Chloe... Good JOB!" This just melted my heart... see, they do love each other. Even if they pull each others hair out and smack each other in the face till one bleeds... they love each other. bottom. line.

1 comment:

  1. my sisters and i fought all the time growing up, but now we're the best of friends. they will appreciate each other much more when their teenagers and need someone to cover for them while they sneek out:o)
