April 27, 2009

weekend recap.

For weeks, my mom and I have planned to go to a craft show at the New Jersey Convention Center. We go almost every year, twice a year. My mom took off work, and my dad volunteered to watch the girls. We like to go on Friday's since it's less crowded and we'd hate for it to take up our Saturday. But, that plan fell through since they changed their Friday hours to 5-9PM. And, we were not going up there that late... so when all else fails... go shopping. Since my mom took off work, we HAD to go somewhere, that would be awful not to use up our time wisely. Outlet shopping we went. I can't even explain the deals I got not only for the girls, but for myself. Oh, how I love a deal! That was the start of a great weekend...

Friday was my dad's birthday and we celebrated with dinner at Scotland Run Country Club. We sat outside since it was in the 80's and it was such a wonderful dinner.

Cambelle, Derek, and Chloe

Cambelle and Derek in deep conversation.

After dinner, we had everyone come back to our house for cake. Derek and Cambelle are really good at blowing out candles... plus she needs practice before she turns 3!

Then on Saturday Jeff started to put together the play set we bought the girls. It's taking him a long time to get it done. Even with the help from Matt, he's still not done. I read all 23 reviews and they said it's a great play set but it took many people more then 9 hours. 

Poor Jeff, he was cooking in that sun all weekend long... but he's doing a great job and it looks great so far!

Sunday night we took a spontaneous trip to Ocean City to meet my SIL, BIL, and Brayden on the boardwalk. After Mack & Manco's pizza the girls enjoyed Kohr Brother's ice cream...

...daydreaming about swimming in the water...

and a ride on Daddy's shoulders.

Cambelle had gymnastics this morning and then we laid low all day. Oh, except for the random trip to Rita's at 3:30PM in the afternoon... I actually let the girls eat something sweet before dinner... and since I did something out of the ordinary for me, it bit me in the butt. Because when we got home I could really access the damage Cambelle did to herself. She had cherry water ice all over her and Chloe was super sticky from me feeding her while driving... I would fill the spoon up and then hand it back to her... I know, I should have known they'd come out covered in water ice. But, it made them happy! So, I had to throw the girls in the bathtub and get them clean before I had to cook dinner. Another out of the ordinary for me - bath before dinner! Cambelle did say, "Mommy, this is silly, bath before eating..." If she's not my twin...

We are spoiled with this nice weather, I'm really looking forward to summer and when the weather is consistent. 

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