April 23, 2009


Today was Bring-a-Friend- Day at Gymboree and our dear friend, Mr. Ben, invited us to join him. But, for him, it was bring friends... because where Cambelle goes, Chloe is not far behind. We did the exact same thing last year and Cambelle loved it. But, this year it took her a little bit to warm up. She didn't want to take her jacket off and she was clinging to my leg, but once Miss Kristen started jumping around and the parachute was out, Cambelle was herself and off she went to play. And then there's Chloe who wouldn't let me put her down for about 20 minutes. Usually she's all about being destructive, climbing things, and pulling things down. I guess she was intimidated by all the boys. Cambelle had a blast and she was proud to show off her gymnastics skills on the balance beam. I was too embarrassed to confess to Miss Kristen that she goes to gymnastics. Miss Kristen kept coming up to me and saying how well Cambelle does on the balance beam. Mmmm, I don't know... I guess it just comes naturally! Wink, wink!

After Gymboree, we all went to lunch at Chick-Fil-A. No surprise there... it's our "usual." Once the bellies were full and the energy was released, I thought I was going to witness a wonderful afternoon - long naps. But, who am I kidding? Chloe nap long enough for me to paint one toenail. Heck, no! She had other plans... I have to say, I have two words that describe Chloe's personality right now. And, people who really know me and know Chloe will stand right next to me and agree.... Are you ready? 

Colicky Toddler.

I know, I've never heard of it before... I just made it up. It's the only thing I can come up with. She cries non stop. If I play with her for 10 hours and run to go pee, she freaks, if I am holding her for 6 1/2 hours and put her down, she freaks. 

She. cries. all. the. time. I have no idea what to do... I'm losing my mind with what to do with her. I feel so bad though. All she wants is my attention 24/7 and it's very hard when you have another child to take care of. Forget the house work, I'm just trying to keep my 17 month old from getting herself upset that she starts to gag. 

All I can do is be patient and ask her pediatrician for some sedative. She'll have to give it to me, if not for Chloe then for me... (again, wink, wink)

Ok, totally off track now, back to what the post was originally about...

Thanks Ben for the invite. We had a great time. 

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