March 18, 2009

some pictures.

I had the absolute best birthday ever... Jeff did an awesome job surprising me Friday night, with a 30th Birthday party. I was totally shocked... I'm the kinda person who can never be surprised b/c I know when something is up. But, Jeff did it... I was overwhelmed with joy to see all of our friends and family in our new home. Of course, I took NO pictures that night, b/c my camera battery died... UGH! It's the story of my life. But, now the camera is back in commission... for a while there, I was a little lonely. I didn't have my trusty camera by my side.

I'm trying to make up for it now though... 

Chloe is really enjoying the new wine glass I got from my brother and SIL. It has a duck on it and some fun "mommy" sayings, so Chloe thinks it's one of her cups... 

Chloe and Cambelle have been not-so-nice to each other lately... a lot of hitting and smacking. Chloe's having a moment on the stairs, right after Cambelle hit her. I put Cambelle in time-out, and Chloe started to cry harder. 

Then, we found a new park to go to since we moved to a new area. The girls loved it and it's just the right size for me. I have to keep my eyes on BOTH. It's a challenge but this park allowed Cambelle to run freely and still stay in my view. 

Not the best picture of the three of us... but I tried. 

Chloe loves to go through my purse and today she found my sunglasses. She did a great job putting them on too... She makes me laugh! She's hilarious. 

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