March 27, 2009


We've been doing... or I guess I should say, Jeff's been doing tons of yard work since Saturday morning. He worked all weekend, and then took 1/2 days Monday and Tuesday. Which has been really hard for me to keep the girls inside, or if we are outside, out of his way. The weather's been really cold, the sun isn't helping at all.. so being outside was not an option for me, I'm a coward to cold. But, on Tuesday, it wasn't that bad... it was windy, but somewhat bearable that I took the girls out. 

Chloe didn't want to nap that day, so she was outside a lot longer then Cambelle... who joined us once she got up from her nap.

Our new house - with new sod- and old landscaping. I'm hoping to get to that this weekend.

We were lucky enough to have my dad, my brother, and his friend help lay sod. Cambelle needs to be in on the action.

And, then this happened. I feel my heart racing even looking at the picture. As you know, I'm a "stay-on-schedule" person, and while holding Chloe listening to some music, she fell asleep on me at 4:55PM...I kinda panicked inside - she will go down for bedtime? Will she wake up a lot during the night?  I guess not taking a nap and playing outside exhausted her so much that she even skipped dinner. I woke her up at 6PM, thinking she'd be OK, but she was fussy, so at 7PM, she went down for the night. I realized later in the night, that her fussiness was due to a really bad diaper rash, but thank goodness, Cambelle hooked us up with some of her awesome medicine... it was gone the next morning!

And then the week went down hill... 

Wednesday morning, I had a difficult time changing Chloe's diaper, she seriously is really strong, and squirms and fights till I give up... Which I do, b/c I'm nervous I'll hurt her holding her down. So, while she was streaking around the house, I took my IPhone, loaded up YouTube and started playing the Backyardigans Theme Song. You'd think I was holding a carrot out to a horse, she came running out of nowhere... She sat down in front of me and her diaper was changed in 2.2 seconds. Then, I told the girls that we needed to go upstairs to finish up getting ready -ie. so that Mommy can brush her teeth.

They ran up the stairs, I quickly followed, went to grab my toothbrush and heard the loudest scream Cambelle has ever belted... I knew immediately what it was... Chloe threw MY IPHONE IN THE POTTY!!! Yep, totally submerged... I didn't know what to do, so I dried it off, cried a little, dried some more and then wiped my tears and went to find Chloe, who was being held hostage by Cambelle. But, when I really think about it, it was my fault, not hers, so she was off the hook. But, it did teach Cambelle a lesson... she keeps talking about - "Mommy, your phone went swimming..."

Jeff bought me a new phone, that ended up being a dud, for some reason, it just never worked right. So, I went to the Apple Store with the girls and they resolved my issue, but not without some sweat and tears. Chloe cried the entire time, and Cambelle threw ever Cheerio we owned on the floor... then while leaving the store, Mr. Easter Bunny was all up in our face walking around giving out lollipops and of course each girl got one.. Cambelle is now wondering why the Easter bunny doesn't talk and why his mouth doesn't move... mmmmm I feel a night terror coming on. 

Then, while I was buckling Chloe into her seat, Cambelle pushed the button to close her door (we own a van) and it closed onto her hand. I didn't know how bad it was till I released the door and her hand was all white.. and, of course, she was screaming... she seems fine, I'm sure it really hurts, but nothing looks broken or bruised - YET! Oh, did I mention how packed the mall was b/c Nordstrom had it's grand opening today. It was jammed with cars and women were everywhere.Oh and I also forgot, that I have this huge gash on my face from when Chloe keyed me while wrestling. Again, somehow, Chloe had the car keys and decided it would be totally awesome to gash my face. Thankfully, the freckles hide my battle wound. 

That's all I have for now.. but the weekend just started! 


  1. Wow, what a day. Everything possible Luke can find he puts in the toilet or bath and turns on the water. I am consistently trying to keep the lids down and doors closed if only Drew would remember too. ha ha.

  2. Oh my gosh, I feel out of breath reading that! So funny about the Easter bunny's mouth not moving, that's very observant of her!
