December 4, 2008

cousin play date.

Today the girls and I went to my cousins house for a play date. We are extremely close, Connor (Tina's oldest) is my Godson, we look alike, act alike and have very similar personalities... we should have been sisters, but I'm at least happy we're family and I have her to look up to. 

*Chloe (12 months), Cambelle (2 1/2), Connor (5), Emily (21 months), and Camryn (almost 4 months)*

I love getting together with them... it's chaotic, but we deal with the chaos so we can have some adult conversation. Which is funny because Tina and I don't look at each other when we are speaking, b/c we are making sure our children aren't into anything or hitting each other. But, it's nice to get out of the house and have Cambelle and Chloe interact with such fun kids. It was a great day!

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