November 9, 2008

Thursday morning.

I know I'm posting this a little too late... but I wanted to document when Cambelle and Emma get along. Let me rephrase... when Cambelle doesn't hit Emma!
Thursday morning, Aunt Nicole, had to go to the doctor, which by the way, Cambelle said all morning: "Aunt Cole... doctor... belly hurt!" She was really concerned. Actually Nicole, is due in April with her second child. YAY!

So, to ease the anxiety for Nicole, I volunteered to take the girls over and play with Emma for the morning. We had tons of fun. 

I ran outside to grab my camera from the car and Emma and Cambelle were watching my every move. Who knows where Chloe was. 

(Above) This is the usual... Cambelle and Emma fight over the chair. Well, actually, Emma just wants to sit in her chair and Cambelle wants to push her off. But, we've accomplished something, no hitting or pushing on this day

The, we baked cookies, so the house would smell nice and to make Aunt Nicole happy. The cookies were gone in 5 minutes.... you guess who ate them! (Cambelle knows how to get up on the bar stools so I had to put the cookies at the other end of the island.)

I tried my hardest to get the girls together for a nice picture.. but Chloe was more into eating Cambelle's shoe and Camelle and Emma were intrigued by Cambelle's toes. 

It was a fun morning and it made the dreary day for by faster. 

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