November 24, 2008

Love, Marriage, Baby Carriage.

Love Marriage, and a Baby Carriage... that's what's been the theme at out church now for 3 weeks. I can't even describe to you how much this series has impacted my life. 

So on Sunday our pastor, Randy, spoke about three things that children need from their parents to feel loved: 1. Loving touch 2. abundant time 3. encouraging talk. (I'm not going to lecture here, just throw out a couple of my thoughts).

What struck me hard was the abundant time. How much time we spend with our children.
 I'm known for - 
"in a second hunny..."
"be right there, I have to throw this laundry in..."
"sure, I'll play with you, in a few, I need to do this first..."

There are many more examples, but what Randy, our pastor, was saying, that now-a-days, you do what's important to you, first, is that where your children stand? For me, my children come first, I'd do anything to them, but do I REALLY do it? No. I do other things first before I spend time with Cambelle and Chloe. I put the laundry in, I get the mail, I clean up.... but what I should be doing is sitting and talking with Cambelle, playing with Chloe, spending quality and quantity time with them. Showing them I love them and that they really do come first, not second to house work. I want them to remember me playing with them rather then doing other things. I want them to feel loved.... I want them to feel it and know it. So, I'm working on it.... They only have one childhood, one life, one mother... I need to impact them positively not negatively. 

Randy also said that in an average day a father spends 37 seconds engaged with their children... and that's an awful fact. I can't even imagine... 

His sermon on Sunday, opened my eyes to what I'm spending most of my energy and time on. I'm going to pray that God reminds me daily to spend abundant time with the girls, to give them loving touches, and to encourage them.  

You can listen to the the entire series off Discovery Church's website under Podcasts. The past two weeks are up. This past Sunday should be up soon!

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