November 24, 2008

Chloe's First Birthday PARTY!

On Saturday, we celebrated Chloe's First Birthday! 

We ordered the cake from Sweet Eats the same place Jeff and I got our wedding cake and it was so yummy. It was filled with vanilla chocolate chips!

Chloe eating meatballs... it was a mess!

Opening up her gifts... Well, I'm actually opening them. 

I did bake something... pink cupcakes, with the help of Cambelle. She decorated each one!

I bought Chloe this tutu for her birthday party and Jeff thought it looked ridiculous... I thought she looked cute... I took it off of her b/c she seems irritated by it. Then, I had to put it on for some pictures. But, by then she was filthy from meatballs and cake, no bib could help. So we just left her topless!

More to come tomorrow on her real First Birthday!!!!