October 14, 2008

oh what a day.

Where do I begin? Let me first say, that I even hate complaining that I had a not-so-good-day, but this is where I vent and let out steam so enjoy the pity party... also just a side not - the girls never get sick so when they do, it's all new territory for me that I'm trying to get used to.

It all started Saturday night after a very long day of no naps and schedule changes, that I chalked up her warmness to just being overtired and worn out. Sunday morning came and went, with all of us going to church, taking afternoon naps, and having a good day.

Sunday night is when it all went downhill. She woke up a lot, crying, HOT, warm, sweaty - and everything in between. It was a long night, with me sleeping on the floor of her room from 3-6am. But, don't forget that Chloe still wakes up too, so I'm running from room to room... by the morning, I needed another night to sleep. Monday morning, she woke up cranky, but no fever and energetic that I still took her to gymnastics, which I would totally be upset with if I were the other mothers in the class... but it wasn't like she was throwing up and still had her fever.

To cut the story short, it's been like that since - today, being the worst. This is the pattern of whatever she has - wakes up, high fever, cries, eats breakfast, energy hits, wants to play, eat more, drink more, lunch time, fever spikes, cranky again, nap time - cries forever, irritable, higher fever and all over again at dinnertime. Weird isn't it? How does someone go from a 103 fever to, Ok, I'm fine, let's go to the park??? Honestly, tonight she was great, no fever, playing, eating ice cream, but now it's only been an hour since she's been asleep and she's been up twice... asking for me, of course!

This is what kept both of us sane all day. Playing on the computer. It was either Elmo games or watching herself on the carousel with Ben.

Trying to smile with a grape in her mouth.

Her snack of choice - baby grapes.

And, there's this one... anti-nap today.... ALL DAY! She went 12 hours without one minute of shut eye. I guess I can't complain that much, she did let me go on the treadmill for 20 minutes, while she played in her crib, after that it was tears and sobbing from this chunk. She's another story... don't ask me why. But, sleep is not the cool thing in our house. Again, she's been down since 6:15 (just b/c she didn't sleep all day) and 2.5 hours later - she's been up twice. I don't know how I got through today, glad I did, but I don't want tomorrow to be the same.

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