September 30, 2008

my little helper.

It's only been for the past week, that Cambelle's vocabulary has doubled... She's now teaching Chloe everything she knows. Just the other day, Chloe was touching one of the candles we have in our windows and Cambelle ran over to her and said, "No, Chloe, it's hot!" Loud and clear. Then, today she told Chloe that the air conditioning in the sun room was cold... I think she has a thing for temperatures. She's also intrigued when I, or someone else goes potty. Screaming really loud, "Mommy, go pee pees!" OR "Nana, potty!"

I always thought she was an independent little girl, but it's in full force now. Yesterday during gymnastics, she didn't want my help at all, and repeatedly told me, "No, Mommy, I do it." Like she's embarrassed of me. Everything she does is with no help. I hear, "No, Mommy I do it," and "No, it's mine." All day long.

She's also informing me when she wants her diaper changed... laying down on the floor and saying, "Mommy, change please." I'm hoping that'll make potty training easier.

Chloe is now Daddy's Little Girl. She no longer needs her Mommy. She cries when Jeff leaves for work and cries when she sees him when he gets home, like - thank you God! I promise you, yesterday, I heard her say, Daddy! But, I'll settle for da da. She's taking more and more steps each day. It's fun to watch her walk and to see how big the girls are getting. I know Christmas isn't here yet, but it's weird to think that Cambelle will be 2 1/2 and Chloe will be ONE!

Sorry for the lack of pictures... I'm having camera battery issues.

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