September 6, 2008


Friday, we were bright an early at the pediatricians... I don't know why I make 9am appointment? It was a challenge, but I was impressed by our earliness.

Cambelle had a weight check and Chloe had her 9 month old check up. Cambelle now weighs 21 lbs and Chloe weighs 18.6 lbs. I was a little excited that Cambelle gained a pound in 5 weeks. WHOA!

Cambelle was extremely brave during her flu shot... Chloe on the other hand was extremely upset. But quieted down quickly. It's funny watching Cambelle at the doctors, I prep her before hand explaining Dr. Hung will check her ears, nose, throat, heart, belly and teeth. She anticipated all of it and opened her mouth wide when Dr. Hung got out her special "mouth instrument."

When we got home Cambelle showed everyone her cool Band-Aid and I gave her an Oreo to make it all better.

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