August 7, 2008

another car ride story.

(Cambelle's in the middle of drinking her juice)

Everyday I'm in awe of my two girls. I've always been told that their brains are like sponges, but just recently have I really, truly believed it. Cambelle loves to talk, and when we have times alone, I try to teach her new things and to listen to what she has to say.

On our way home from the lake, Cambelle was really tired, so she started whining and crying (Cambelle doesn't sleep in the car). Chloe was already in nap mode and I wanted the car ride to be quiet. My plan of action was to transfer "sleeping" Chloe from her car seat to the crib, but Cambelle wanted her to wake up and play. Cambelle screamed for the remainder of our car ride, probably about 10-15 minutes. When we got home, I was putting her down for her nap, and I asked her what the problem was, why was she crying? She said, "Chloe nap, want up.... watch Elmo please." I felt so bad, because in the middle of her rant, I turned around (while driving on the AC Expressway) and yelled, "Please, be quiet!" But, during our car ride, she was so upset she couldn't say that.

I'm amazed that after the fact, I asked her what the problem was and she told me... I guess everyday I'll be in awe of her, but it never gets old.

Chloe on the other hand, has become extremely attached to me. She won't even play with a room full of toys. She'd rather play with my watch and necklace and crawl all over me. I'm enjoying the attention... I don't ever want her to not want me.

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