August 21, 2008

after dinner play time.

Sometimes people tell me I'm crazy for LOVING, and I mean loving, fall weather. I get a little giddy and I can't stop myself. Just in one day I got excited over getting the People magazine, in the mail, and the date at the top said, September 1; I also received the Better Homes & Gardens magazine and on the front there was a wonderful fall scene, Halloween costumes are everywhere, fall decorations or in full effect and (the obvious), Back to School supplies are running out. And, there's the weather... it's been so nice here that at night I put on a light cardigan and hoping I can see my breath...

Last night it was one of those night so we took the girls to the park. Which is always really crowded... but Cambelle finds room in between people and just acts that she's the only one there. She did make friend with a little girl who was wearing fun ladybug rain boots. She kept coming up to me asking me why she isn't talking. Cambelle was talking to her, but she couldn't understand anything Cambelle said. Plus, Cambelle was running around her like a puppy dog, so it was hard to hear her.

Cambelle is hilarious at the park. She is so hard to find and hard to follow. Last night, Jeff was on duty, and I stayed with the stroller and Chloe. Chloe enjoys watching everyone and is happy as long as I'm holding her.

Chloe News: Chloe has two new teeth on the bottom. They're making her more cranky at nap times, but seems OK the rest of the day. Also, she likes to stand by herself with no help. She holds onto something, let's go, and then stands for a while, hanging out. I'm thinking she's going to be walking before Cambelle did (12 months). We'll just have to wait and see!

1 comment:

  1. Aaron just started doing that too! He's so close to crawling, but he's an expert at pulling himself up and letting go to stand for a little bit on his own. This weekend is "baby-proofing" weekend :)
