August 25, 2008

9 Months Old.

Chloe is nine months old today. She's an absolute amazing baby who makes us smile everyday.

(Some) loves:
  • being squeezed
  • kisses
  • stroller rides
  • Cambelle
  • eating
  • crawling on daddy
  • bathes
  • eating sand
  • swimming
  • books
  • saying "da da" and "ma" - she doesn't know what they mean, but she says it over and over again.
(Some) hates:
  • diaper changes
  • when Cambelle takes something from her
  • being left alone
  • jarred food
  • being put down for bed
  • grass
  • long car rides
Chloe's checkup appointment is next Friday - my guess; she weighs 18 lbs. I'll keep you posted.

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