July 17, 2008

our car rides.

Our car rides consist of Cambelle watching something on the DVD player, her top choice right now is Praise Baby, Chloe chewing on something that Cambelle threw to her and I'm so into daydreaming, that half the time I go through a light and hope it WAS green! But, today was a rare day. I had some errands to do kinda far from the house and instead of listening to the DVD player, I put on K-Love, the Christian Station. Now, every time I do this, Cambelle perks up very quickly and says Baby, Barney, Blue's Clues, anything for me to put the DVD player back on. But, I kept reassuring her she'd be OK without the DVD on. And sure enough, she was. We had the best car ride ever. We actually held a conversation... she listed all the people in our family! Daddy, Chloe, Poppy, Grams, Uncle Da, Derek, Nan, Grandpa and then she started with the extended family that I thought she didn't even know were family, because we hang out so much (like friends)... Uncle Matt, Auntie Shell, Bill, Aunt Cole (Nicole) and then all the cousins... I can't believe she listed all of them and kept going. We also talked about the cool new snack I bought - Yogurt Bites. She shared with me and they are delicious - at this time, Cambelle kept saying, "Yummy!" On occasion, she'll start counting and when she gets to four, she'll go to eight and then nine, she's backwards, but she knows her numbers. And, she's really getting a hang of the alphabet song. Half way through she needs my help. Our conversation ended on the way home right after she informed me, "Chloe nap!"

She has a great memory too. I ask her questions non-stop like, "Cambelle, when we went to Target yesterday what did we buy?" And, she'll remember, half the time, I don't remember.

It's still unbelievable that Jeff and I created these wonderful little girls. It's such a miracle. I see how they are growing and I'm excited to see how they will impact society and who they become. I'm loving being their Mommy! And, I'm proud to have them as my daughters.

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