July 28, 2008

boardwalk fun.

Saturday night we decided, last minute, to drive down to Ocean City. That's the joy of living so close to the shore. My parents came along and we did the usual events: we ate at Mack & Manco Pizza, and had Monkey Bread (but with icing on top) as dessert, and then went to Wonderland Pier for the rides.

Cambelle loves slides - she has no fear. So, taking her on this slide was a treat. I was more scared then she was. I screamed on the way down, but Cambelle contained her excitement. The picture above is of Cambelle and my dad and I'm with her in the picture below. Cambelle went on the Merry-go-round twice and we all went on the train... Cambelle's at that fun age when everything is exciting and I love the look on her face when she sees something new. It was the perfect weather... just a tad chilly. It was crowded but that's to be expected. It was a great night though!

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