June 5, 2008

is it Friday yet?

I know I said I wasn't going to post till vacation..ya know, tons of packing to do.. but today we weren't on my schedule, we were on the girls schedule. Chloe decided to wake up at 6am and not take a morning nap, so at 10:45am I gave up and we went to the mall, she fell asleep on the way (5 min. commute), woke up and then was up till 2PM. Chloe loves to be on all fours so when I try to rock her or comfort her so she'll sleep, she tries to get on all fours on ME... which is very uncomfortable for both of us. So, I lay her in her crib, let her fuss a bit and then she'll fall asleep... at least she'll get herself to sleep now. Cambelle was really off today... miserable, cranky, stubborn, feisty... they all sum up what her attitude was. The mall was not a good experience either... from the minute we stepped in she was saying "all done." Not even Emma or Nicole could distract her. So, with vacation 2 days away, I have nothing done. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. I'm just glad Thursday's over with.

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