May 4, 2008

an update.

I know I post a lot about Cambelle and I'm trying to be better about posted about Chloe too.
Chloe is 5 1/2 months now, and she's growing so quickly. She's on a great schedule now: Wakes up once throughout the night, two long naps during the day and goes to bed around 7PM. I started rice cereal with her a couple of weeks ago but she didn't take to it too well. I try everyday, but today was the most she ate. I snuck in some bananas and that seemed to work. She smiles all the time and absolutely loves Cambelle. She grabs at everything. If I'm holding her and I'm trying to drink something, I have to keep my cup away or it ends up on both of us. She loves chewing on everything, especially her hands. No teeth yet! She arches her back if she wants out of the car seat or her bouncy seat. She loves to stand and be played with on the floor. She's great at rolling over. She laughs when we tickle her especially around her neck. Her eye color changed a bit. It was blue, but now it's a darker blue, but not brown yet. She takes after me and loves the morning. She sings and plays in her crib till we get her. I could keep going, but I'll contain myself!

Chloe is full of love and she's a blessing! I can't believe she'll be 6 months soon.... I'll keep you posted on what she's doing next! (I'll have pictures soon).

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