May 22, 2008

pretty in pink.

This morning I was getting ready and I always let Cambelle play with my jewelry to keep her occupied and keep her in the same room as me. I have a box full of jewelry that is either old, found on clearance, or pieces are broken. She picked the pretty pink pearls to wear and I had to take a picture.

Ahhh - the pacifier. Who created these things? We are struggling daily to minimize her "sucking" time and she's not liking it one bit. She's become really attached in the last few weeks and needs one at all times. She still manages to talk and scream around it. I don't know what happened. Jeff and I had a rule - only in her crib and on car rides. I think I broke the rule, but I don't let her have it in public - well, I try not to.

I've been really clueless about a lot of things lately. I can't even describe to you the amount of eczema Cambelle has on her body. It's been an issue since she was 6 months old (December 2007), and at that point we (& the pediatrician) were blaming it on the cold weather. Well, it just seems to get worse - no medicine will work. Her bottom is the worse. I even switched the brand of diapers yesterday. I've tried Aveeno, prescriptions, all the above and nothing seems to work. Her hemangioma on her bottom is getting red b/c I think (for some reason) it's itching her. It's not diaper rash, it's really really dry skin. I'm hoping once the weather gets nice (this weekend) it'll go away. And, we have a weight check for her on Thursday so I'll address it to the doctor then.

And then there's her eating issue. Cambelle's no eating. She'll eat snacks like they are leaving the planet earth tomorrow... but when it comes to meal times, all I hear before she even hits her chair is "all done." Well, I'm trying to be positive - at least she's eating SOMETHING!

(Maybe all this is that her teeth are coming in at the same time - I never thought I would have a 23 month old and a 6 month old teething at the same time.)

I think Chloe has a cold. Her little nose is stuffy and running all the time - but I heard that's a sign of teething too! I hope these teeth show up soon...

Happy Friday!!!!!

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