May 16, 2008

Poppy Day Care.

I think my dad was holding his own daycare yesterday (j/k). He was off from work and had to watch Derek, my nephew, while my brother and sister-in-law were are work. It was good company and Cambelle had him all to herself. Telling him what to play with and when. I think she enjoyed someone new to play with. Poppy took them both to the park and they were on the swings together. I was surprised when I asked Cambelle to sit next to Derek, she did and even smiled for the camera. Now a days, she hates when I bring it out and yells at me to put it away.

Derek just woke up from his nap, so I don't think he was ready to be camera happy.

Chloe was watching me take pictures and so I had to snap one of her. If only I could get her to use another pacifier. But, that's the least of my worries right now.

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