May 29, 2008

nap vs. no nap.

I vote for nap! But, today Chloe voted for no nap. She thinks naps are for losers. The last couple of days, it's been a lot of work to get her down for her afternoon nap. Yesterday, we were driving home when her usual nap takes place and she looked like she was going to fall I did the crazy thing by singing loudly, calling her name over and over again (with Cambelle's help - "Co-E"), and touching her face - just to keep her awake. She stayed awake the entire time till we hit the driveway, of course. She did wake up and that was it. Her 5.5 second nap is all she needed. An hour and a half later, she finally was down, but I was now exhausted. If I miss that "window" she'll be cranky till I put her down. She doesn't want to play or be entertained. All she wants is to be put down.

*Picture of Cambelle through her monitor*

Then, we have Cambelle. She LOVES her bed, just like her father. She gets all excited when it's nap time and says goodbye to everyone and asks for "blankie." She's so easy to put down. Doesn't wake up in the middle of the night and takes a great afternoon nap. Anything less then 2.5 hours would be rare. When she wakes up, she's pleasant, loves to read her books and enjoys her quite time.

Ahh - if only I could take a nap like that!!!

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