April 10, 2008

Mr. Ben's Boo Boo

Yesterday Auntie Liz and Mr. Ben came to visit. We were having a great time and the kids were playing nicely and then all of a sudden, Ben tripped going into the playroom and fell into the back of Cambelle's chairs. He immediately screamed, like any of us would, and when Liz went to go comfort him she noticed a huge golf ball on his head. At first we were freaking out and running around the house, like what do we do... she did call the pediatrician and they said as long as he hasn't thrown up or lose consciousness, then he's fine. Afterwards, Liz and I were laughing. I mean, I've seen my share of bumps, bruises and broken bones from playing soccer...but nothing like this. It turned black and we grossly white around the edges. If you'd like the full story and to see how's he doing now, you can click here! I'm so glad Mr. Ben is feeling better and doesn't have a concussion. ;)

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