April 21, 2008


Here are just two pictures I took while we were moving. Cambelle got filthy from the Uhaul truck and Nana gave Cambelle chocolate donuts, so she was dirty top to bottom. Things have been settling down here. Cambelle's adjusting well to her new "big girl bed," Chloe's sleeping like a log in her new crib even during naps. She slept from 11:45-12:35 and 2-4:14 today. It gave me time to be alone with Cambelle, which was much needed. We ate lunch together and sat and enjoyed each other's company and during Chloe's afternoon nap Cambelle and I played in her playroom and colored for an hour. I'm so glad to be over packing and moving, it allows me to focus all my attention on the girls again. I'm so relieved. Not, too relieved though, we still have closing on Monday.

We were invited to The Little Gym this morning by Auntie Liz and Ben. It was bring-a-friend-week at the gym. Cambelle was so excited to be able to run around, climb on things, and not get in trouble for it. Plus, she couldn't get hurt and there were many new faces to meet. Thanks guys for the invite. We really enjoyed it that I enrolled us in the summer program there. YAY! I can't wait. I'm excited for Jeff to see how awesome Cambelle is at EVERYTHING. Sorry, I had to say it. Just spending extra time with Cambelle these last few days has been a blessing and she's showing me how awesome she is at coloring, building blocks, cleaning up her toys, jumping, etc. She's growing up so fast... one minute she's 6 months and the next she'll be 2. WOW!

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