March 5, 2008

my little secretary.

Cambelle insisted on leaving for Music Class as my little secretary. She had her pad of paper, pen, and of course her basket full of pacifiers. She was a pill today. I did some investigating in her mouth and I found some new teeth... all the way in the back. Her molars are totally in. Which, I think, is why she's been cranky lately. Her front teeth are slacking behind. She'll be 2 yrs. of age and have no teeth in the front... it'll be funny. We had a good day today. We found out we are closing on the house sometime in March, we're still going through some papers, but it's a definite. And, hopefully Jeff will start his job soon after.

Chloe's an exceptional baby. Completely different than Cambelle. She's chunky, smiles at anything, and sleeps really well. I think she'll be our "laid-back," baby. Chloe is getting so big, I went through Cambelle's old clothes, from when she was 6 months (winter time) and they all fit Chloe now. I can't even explain to you the chunk this girl has. I love it so much, I squeeze it all the time and she laughs. She's also becoming very aware of everyone... she loves when Cambelle gives her a second of her time and she loves her new Baby Einstein toys. I give her some toys to play with in the car, and she actually does. She grabs and pulls them. I forget what a 3 month old can do, or is it that Chloe's pure genius???

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