March 9, 2008

another weekend.

Well, it's official... we started packing on Saturday. My mom and dad brought over tons of boxes and bubble wrap. We were supposed to settle this Friday, but our mortgage company needs a couple more days. So, hopefully, this time next week, we'll know when that is. I'm not a fan of packing, I mean, who is? After packing two or three boxes, I stop and walk around the house aimlessly. And, since we haven't sold the house yet, I'm hesitant about packing certain things.

On Saturday, we celebrated my (29th) birthday at my parents. Cambelle was more interested in the cake then taking a picture with me. Right after this picture was taken, she stuck her fingers in the cake and thought it was hilarious. We all did too!!

Jeff started this new game with Chloe and she LOVES it!! She thinks it's hilarious, it's fun watching her interact more and giggle at things Jeff and I do to entertain her. Whatever works, right?

After church Chloe was anti-nap. So, it was up to Jeff occupy her little mind. I would fight a nap too, to spend time with Daddy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm rache and I'm 16 years old from malta.. Just want to say thanks. It's great to find other Christian's blogs.
    Keep shining for Jesus =)
