February 12, 2008


Chloe got her first ultrasound today at Dupount Hospital for Children this morning. She had to have her spine checked because the doctor was concerned about a birthmark being close to her spine. It was an exhausting experience. First of all, just being at a children's hospital is depressing and seeing many children who are sick and there for treatment is even more upsetting. Chloe was not very happy being put on her stomach for the u/s that half way through, both of us needed a break. The technician was very nice and allowed us many breaks. With Chloe having a slight cold being on her stomach and screaming wasn't helping the situation. After another technician came in to hold her feet down, is was smooth sailing after that. They needed Chloe to stay as still as possible so they could count her vertebrae. But, that wasn't possible with her crying. Tears were pouring out of her eyes. I felt so helpless... BUT - after all that, the pediatrician's office called today and said everything came back normal. Even though the hospital told me a couple of days till I hear from our pediatrician... they called 2 hours later. We are very happy. So, I guess I'll ask further questions at her 4 month check up. I'm guessing it's JUST a birthmark and it's not messing up her nervous system/spine like they thought. YAY!


  1. YAY. I am so thrilled for you guys. Holla to birthmarks. Love you!

  2. So glad to hear that everything came back normal!!
