January 11, 2008


I know I show Chloe in her bouncy seat a lot but at the particular time Cambelle had her smiling so much that when I grabbed the camera she stopped. Cambelle talks to her - I think - in their own little "sister" language, it sounds like Chinese, but Chloe's cooing and talking back. Chloe's at the stage where she loves faces and I think she prefers Cambelle's over anyones. Once I put Chloe in her seat on the floor, Cambelle runs over and entertains her. But, for the most part, Chloe is up on the sofa or higher places, because if I leave the room, Cambelle would be laying on top of her. Before Chloe arrived Cambelle would sit in the bouncy seat while watching TV, so I think sometimes she gets confused thinking the seat is hers.
Cambelle has a lot of obsessions, and one of them being climbing up on one of the dining room chairs (seen above) and then climbing up on the table. I've found her many times playing with the centerpiece and banging on the computer. So, now, I've had to move the chair far over to the window so if she tries to push it back, it would be hard. Today, she was actually OK with looking out the window and not climbing on the table. As long as I say "Do you see any squirrels?" She'll stay peering out the window till she sees one. Sometimes, I hear her say, "No, No, No!" and then she's on to something else.
I had a doctors appointment today and I waited over 2 hours to be seen. I think I'm still furious about the whole thing. I ended up putting Cambelle down for a later nap while I was gone, since Jeff would be watching her plus working. Thank goodness she took a long nap and Jeff was able to get all his work done. Back to me being furious... after an hour and a half of waiting Chloe woke up and wanted to be fed immediately and with a full waiting room I tried to comfort her so she wouldn't disturb anyone, but it was too late...she was just as furious as I was. I even walked "Screaming Chloe" to the nurses station, thinking they'd take me since my child was obviously distraught... but NO! They told me I was next to be seen, but it took three more people till I was back in the room. Overall, I waited 2 hrs. for a 5 min. appointment. PHEW! I feel better now!


1 comment:

  1. I love Chloe's expression in that first picture! And I can not believe you waited over 2 hours there...all for Nevins!
