January 9, 2008

On the go.

Phew! What a day. Today started out with us hustling to get out of the door by 8:50am to get to our first Music-in-Me class. Which starts at 9:30am but it takes us 30 minutes to get there and 10 minutes for mishaps... poo poo diapers, putting on jackets, etc. I'm still amazed how much I have to prepare ahead of time to leave the house. It takes us forever and I'm always running back inside to get something I forgot. Since I have to carry Chloe, Cambelle has to walk everywhere so it takes us longer. She runs everywhere else, but when I have to get her into the car, she's like a turtle. So, back to the class. Cambelle was enrolled in the same one when she was 9 months old, but this time we joined with Aunt Nicole and Emma. It's fun to see how Cambelle interacts with other kids. This little girl, Ava, smacked Cambelle in the face, and I was afraid Cambelle would do the same to her, but she didn't. I was so proud, because Cambelle can really get upset and hit too. We had a great time... Chloe even joined the group for awhile.
After class, we went to Grams' house and hung out there all day. Jeff was in Baltimore again and my mom helped me out. Cambelle was outside most of the day at the local playground, being extremely daring and climbing up the play set and going down the slide all by herself. She's definitely growing up... climbing up into the van to get into her seat, climbing up on the couch, etc. Once we got home, everyone had Daddy time and then off to bed. But, Chloe gets Daddy all to herself every night. It's Jeff's thing... once Cambelle's down he takes Chloe and plays and talks to her... She loves her special time they have!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog because it is preparing me for what my life will be like in 6 months. My kids will be the same age difference as yours so its great seeing how your girls interact. And also your blog updates make me laugh!!
