January 10, 2008

ohh the love.

This morning Cambelle had her 18 month checkup appointment. She weighs an enormous 19 lbs. and is 31 inches long. Of course, the doctor was a little concerned about her weight gain since the last time we were at the pediatricians. So, we need to go back before she turns 2yrs old for a weight check. She had to get 2 shots and screamed bloody murder, but since she did such a good job throughout the entire visit, we rewarded her with a donut from Dunkin Donuts. Jeff was able to come with us, which really helps. I don't think I can master the pediatricians by myself yet. Doesn't matter who the appointment is for. I need help with both of them. Because right now, Cambelle is still not comfortable at the doctors. I didn't want to upset anyone with a picture of Cambelle screaming at the pediatricians so, I didn't take one ;)
When we got home though, I broke out the camera and finally took a picture of Cambelle holding Chloe. Cambelle was so funny... making faces at her and trying her best to hold on to her. Chloe looks a little bothered, but Cambelle was holding on tight because they both were falling out of the infamous Dora chair. And, once the camera was down, Cambelle smacked Chloe hard in her face... Chloe screamed and Cambelle was off to "time out" (That's the second picture). She's testing me to see what I'll do if she gets down before I let her. And, while in time out she was calling for Uncle Darryl...but he couldn't help her. Time out is becoming more and more popular in the Botbyl household. Cambelle's new thing is to whip the pacifier out of Chloe's mouth with such force, that I think it hurts Chloe. Cambelle thinks this is hilarious and breaks out into a belly laugh.. and then, Jeff and I do and it defeats the time out purpose. Chloe doesn't seem to mind the first ten times but on the 11th time, I think she's had enough and let's us all know. There's never a dull moment around here. My day is packed... sometimes I'm thankful for even brushing my teeth before 1PM. And, when I get to shower, it's a party... But, I wouldn't change it for anything. My girls ROCK but don't expect us to have our third anytime soon!
OH by the way, the pediatrician asked us what words Cambelle says and I wanted to let her know that my Cambelle screams "HOLLA" nonstop around the house all day, but I didn't want her to think we were gangsta.

1 comment:

  1. Danielle, you and Cambelle always make me laugh in your stories! So funny!
