December 2, 2007


**Cousin Derek, Cambelle, and Chloe**
Our internet has been down since Thursday... so I'll update you on what's been going on.
Well, let me first start by saying, Cambelle is a great big sister. She tries to comfort Chloe when she's crying and loves when she's awake and looking around. Cambelle seems to be fascinated by her eyes and mouth. But, hates it when Chloe gets her diaper changed and has a poopie. For some reason, Cambelle is scared by the massive, dark poops. - Aren't we all?
Chloe had her pediatrician appointment on Friday and weighs 6lbs. 10oz. Still 18 1/2 inches long and looks perfect. I asked the doctor about her nights/days mix up, and she said eventually her clock will reset and she'll figure it out. Chloe sure did. She's been sleeping so much better and has her fussy time in the morning. YAY! We made our first outing to Target to pick up a couple of things. We found out that Chloe's carseat doesn't fit in the cart if Cambelle is sitting in the front. So, Jeff had to bring Chloe in the stroller while I pushed the cart. I thought it was pretty funny. Right after that, we ran to Babies R Us and bought a double stroller. I thought I wouldn't have to buy one of those huge contraptions for a while, but here we are, pushing around an enormous stroller. We test drove it today at the mall. Thinking the Santa line wouldn't be long- WRONG- It was the only thing packed, the rest of the mall was empty. Oh well, we'll have to try some other time. Yesterday, we went to Connor's 4th Birthday party, Chloe slept the entire time while Cambelle played the drums. I'm already thinking of how opposite they are. Chloe is really laid back, and Cambelle is high strung and energetic - it could be her age too! Tomorrow we are heading back to the pediatrician, because of Chloe's weight. She needs a weight check to make sure she's gaining enough. I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. Cambelle playing the drums is so funny! And I love how she is about to pat Chloe's head in that picture.
